
Cardio. I’m not a fan. The thought of having to go to the gym to get on a stair stepper or elliptical machine just bores me and I know I’m not alone. I hear it almost every day, cardio sucks, but there are so many benefits to doing cardio besides just burning fat.
Heart health
Improves memory
Increase blood circulation which leads to better skin
Reduces chances of type II diabetes
Releases endorphins that helps increase energy, fight depression, anxiety and enhance mood
Helps control blood sugar
So don’t skip the cardio, instead here are some alternative ways to get your heart rate up!
Classes. Gyms offer free classes with memberships so don’t be afraid to try. Some of my favorites are:
Go Outdoors. Nature alone can be a great distraction.
Explore and run trails around your area
Jog out on the beach.
Take it back to high school, literally. Go to a high school and use their track.
40 yard dash
Side shuffles
Cone drills
Run with a friend or workout buddy and get competitive.
Circuits and HIIT workouts. One of my favorites for cardio days. Here’s one to try…. exercise :20, rest :40, repeat 3x:
Jumping Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Plyo Push Ups
Tuck Jumps
Up-Down Plank
When it comes to training, don’t restrict yourself, just get up and move! Remember the definition of cardio is any exercise that raises your heart rate. The longer you do cardio doesn’t always mean better and it doesn’t have to be on a standard cardio machine, but don’t forget an important element to burning fat and that’s doing cardio at your target heart rate. My favorite formula is the karvonen heart rate formula. Calculate it at 60%-70% intensity. (Up the intensity when doing HIIT type workouts.)